
I heard about Solutions Nursing from friends that worked for the CSSS Akulivik in the public sector. They all trained at Solutions Nursing so I knew what it was and I knew Solutions Nursing had a good reputation. I did not want to go anywhere else, I wanted to be well supervised. I knew that if public institutions went through Solutions Nursing to train their employees, it was because the training had to be of good quality.

Working at Solutions Nursing is having a job that is tailor-made since you can choose the duration and it is always diverse. With each departure it is a new adventure […]. We learn about the community and about ourselves since we are always launched into a new environment.

I am very happy to have chosen Solutions Nursing not only for the training, but for all kinds of small details. We know where we are going and our temporary employers know where they are going, there is a good organization of logistics. The ease of reaching someone when we have questions or clarifications related to contracts, in a few minutes I had an answer.

I went to Waskaganish in James Bay for my first replacement […]. I ended up with a colleague who had taken the training at the same time as me at Solutions Nursing. I spent a month there and it was a great experience. The people were very nice.

It’s the best experience you can have from a professional point of view. It opens doors for us. We have time to apply our knowledge. It’s a varied practice, it’s a different clientele. I think having the opportunity to meet Indigenous peoples is incredible.

The selection process was quick and efficient. I sent my CV and a week later I had an interview. I received a very complete information meeting given by Francine Charron, she talks to us about the real things and we have a good idea what we are getting into. Once we are hired we receive the information we need to prepare and we are well informed.

I made my first replacement for 9 weeks in Kangirsuk. I came across a team that supported me well. I did not feel alone, there were colleagues who were there to help me if needed. I was satisfied and it made me want to go back. I think it was beneficial to make a long replacement at the beginning since it allowed me to get into certain habits and to integrate well and get used to it. […] I felt welcomed and respected. […] It is sometimes difficult to work when there are no doctors. However, they are very available, and we still feel very supported.